Q1: How do I know an order is shipped? Does gogamegeek send and email with the tracking number?
Yes, you will be notified by email when the order has been sent out. You can see the tracking information with real-time updates on our website.
Q2: If you bought 2 or more items but only one arrived.
This means that your order is split into multiple packages. There is only one color or one unit can be sent out first, and the remaining colors & units are temporarily postponed. Thanks for your understanding.
Q3: I wanted to know if it was possible to change the color of my order.
Yes, it is available to change the color when the order has not been shipped. Please email to request a color change for the Miyoo Mini Plus for your order. There might not be a visible change in your order details page, but you can trust that we have made the necessary updates in our shipping system.
Q4: Can i change my shipping address when the order has not been shipped?
Yes, you can. Please directly send us a message, we will do it for you on our end. There might not be a visible change in your order details page, but you can trust that we have made the necessary updates in our shipping system.
Q5: I would like to cancel my order if it is possible.
If you would like to cancel an unshipped order, there is no need to request a refund from Pay Pal, we will do it for you, please directly send us a message. We will proceed with refund immediately.
Q6: How do i cancel an order on an already shipped package.
If your order has been shipped, you can email to submit your request, we will then attempt to intercept the shipment. We will let us know the result.
Q7: Are other color option models available sooner?
Black and purple have the most orders, and gray and white are relatively less, which means that in the same batch of queues, gray and white will be sent out earlier.
Q8: Is the memory card provided by the manufacturer or by gogamegeek.com?
The memory card is provided by the manufacturer.
Q9: Do you guys to your own quality control to make sure everything is ok with the handheld?
We will do our own quality checks of these devices from our side after we receive the units from the manufacturer.
Q10: I was a bit confused the estimated times listed on your website.
For more details of your preorders, please directly send us a message ("Live Chat" or email us at service@gogamegeek.com)
Q11: Miyoo Mini Plus - Teardown & Button fix
Click to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoeJFaf85EU&t=85s
Q12: I'm worry about memory cards that will get corrupted in a short time.
Starting Aug 10, 2023, you will be getting a good quality memory card, we are using a branded card on a miyoo mini plus.