Christmas is coming soon✨. In order to make Christmas full of surprises, gogamegeek Santa Claus 🎁decided to create some surprises to help some gamers get their own game consoles on Christmas.
We launched a lottery event for free game consoles: from December 1st to December 25th, ten customers will be selected from all customers who placed orders for reward. The more orders, the greater the chance of winning🎮.
first prize (1 place): one free game console of any choice (any value $119)
second prize (1 place): one free game console of any choice (any value $99)
third prize (1 place): one free game console of any choice (any value $89)
Participation prize(7 place): 10% coupon discount + gogamegeek co-branded game console stand + gogamegeek peripherals
The list of activities will be announced in the form of a screen recording video the day after Christmas. 🎊In order to prevent fraud, fake orders and other malicious behaviors, and protect the right of customers to participate in the event fairly, this event has strengthened the background detection. Once it is found that the use of virtual addresses to fake orders and other behaviors will be cancelled, the qualification for participation in the event will not be shipped, the quota will be returned and the lottery will be given to the next random gamer again.